“The most beautiful world is always entered through imagination.” To enhance creativity, imagination and to build confidence of the students, Fancy Dress Competition for Preparatory stage (Std. III, IV and V) was conducted on 3rd February, 2024 as a part of CCA. Different themes were given Class wise as Std III -Kerala or Tamil Nadu, Std IV-Gujarat or Rajasthan , Std V-Maharashtra. The participants enthusiastically participated in the Competition. Students dressed up as a Leader, Dance attire, Saint etc. The judgement was done on the basis of presentation, confidence and costume. All the selected participants showcased their versatility with the help of character chosen from the given theme. They were dressed smartly and presented themselves beautifully by speaking the dialogues of the character they depicted. They won our hearts with their exuberance and enthusiasm! The Activity In-charges and the School authorities Director Mrs. Neeru Kapai, Principal Ms. Rupali Dey, Manager Mr. Rohan Kapai and Headmistress Ms. Asha Deshraj appreciated the tiny tots for their efforts and enthusiasm and motivated them for active participation in all the future activities.